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Migrating from another source control to VisualStudio with RTC

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Oct 16 '12, 5:08 p.m.
edited Oct 17 '12, 2:58 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

Appreciate if you could share some experiences with the source control change:-)

I am moving source control of existing solutions with projects from TFS to RTC. Some solutions are nested.

1. Based on the CLM4 information center, we need to remove the following section in .sln files

GlobalSection(ProviderName) = preSolution

2. And the following section for .proj files


1) I have to remove the section for all the .sln files?

2) I saw "SAK" as the value of those elements in the .proj files. So I still need to remove that section from all the project files? This applies to all *.csproj files as well?

3) Besides *.suo, *.user, *.ncb and *.aps files, what other files from TFS source control that we should put into the ignore list?

Thanks and Regards

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Krishna Kishore (50112) | answered Oct 18 '12, 3:12 a.m.

For more information refer to the section "Migrating from another Source Control provider" in the article

Frank Ning commented Oct 18 '12, 4:35 a.m.

Hi Krishna,


That article is good and I already read it before the posting. It was not so clear to me and thus had the above questions. I am contacting Rational support for clear steps to do this.

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