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Setup LDAP with CLM without email property of the LDAP user

vikrant kamble (1323796) | asked Sep 25 '19, 6:41 a.m.

 I am trying to setup LDAP with CLM, LDAP connection is successful but when I click on Next after validating successful LDAP connection I am getting below error 

    "The new user could not be created. See the details for more information.ID CRJAZ1551E
    The user "rdm.jazzadmin" is not valid. The reason is "This user must have an e-mail address.".ID CRJAZ0922I"

I understand that email property is the mandatory in CLM therefore user created in LDAP should be created with email address but I have seen the case in which LDAP setup was done even if user does not have email address set in LDAP, is there a way to complete LDAP setup even if user does not have email property set in LDAP

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