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Deploy new RRDI before or after "upgrade" to CLM 4.02?

Andrew Codrington (17733135) | asked Apr 09 '13, 10:55 a.m.
Our CLM 3.0.1 installation does not have RRDI deployed.
We're planning a CLM 4.0.2 upgrade. We also want to add RRDI at some point.
Relevant links are the version compatibility matrix and Upgrading RRDI.

I see that there is a "supported upgrade path" from "CLM 3.0.1.* / No RRDI to CLM 4.0.1 with RRDI 2.0.1."
I also see the guidance that "When upgrading, upgrade RRDI first, then CLM."

Our "upgrade path" will more likely be restoring the 3.0.1 database to a new 4.0.2 installation.

Should I interpret that to mean we need to install RRDI first, before installing the new 4.0.2?
Or can we safely put off RRDI installation until the CLM upgrade is complete and we've caught our breath?


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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Apr 09 '13, 2:08 p.m.
Hi Andrew,

If you are not currently using RRDI in your 3.0.1 deployment, there is no reason you need to install/upgrade RRDI before upgrading CLM.  You can install RRDI after you have completed your upgrade. 

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