RQM - Excel Import Utility - How to differentiate Module Artifact to Base Artifact

I have seen that within the Excel Import utility from 6.0.6, we can import the test cases, with Requirements ID's within the Excel - and while importing, the utility establishes link between the test case and DNG artifact.
However i have the following question.
Within DNG - an ID - could be a 'Base Artifact' or a 'Module Specific Artifact'.
Is there an option within the Excel import Utility to choose a 'Module Artifact'?
Accepted answer

You can try 'LinkExisting' and specify module artifact URL Please refer Linking test artifacts with existing RM requirement artifacts - Using configuration file syntax

Thank you Mehul. It worked. However, as a suggestion, i see a need for having option to select a Base or Module level artifact via ID. You know, getting URL for each requirement in an excel is very tedious.
We can have an option to say: ID(Module ID), ID(Module ID) in the excel. If the braces are not there - it is planed for a 'Base Artifact'. However if there is a brace - the engineer intends to link it to a 'Module Level Artifact' within a 'Module ID'.
I am not sure, if you already have a plan for such improvement - however its highly needed.
Thanks again.

We have it logged and tracked it as 171387: RQMWordExcelImporter : Link TestCase with existing requirements in DNG's specific modules by config file of excel

Cool. Thank you.