Configuring 2 versions of RQM on same server
Is it possible to configure and install RQM v2.0.1.1 and RQM v3.x on same server machine ?
If yes, then what are the steps to be followed ?
If not, any reason why?
I see similar discussion where they speak about configuring RQM v1.0.1.1 and v2.0 on same server machine.
Is it possible to configure and install RQM v2.0.1.1 and RQM v3.x on same server machine ?
If yes, then what are the steps to be followed ?
If not, any reason why?
I see similar discussion where they speak about configuring RQM v1.0.1.1 and v2.0 on same server machine.
Accepted answer
I would recommend that you use to separate application servers (for example two Tomcat instances) on the same machine. Please note that for one of the instances you need to go to server\tomcat\conf\server.xml and change all the ports, so that there is no clash (for example change all the instances of 9443 to 9444 and so on).
For reasons of user authentication issues you may want to actually name the application context roots differently (such as qm2011 and qm3x, or qm1 and qm2). The different port itself will be enough to tell the two application apart, but there's a limitation that will cause the users to be forced to relog-in each time they switch from one app to the other if the contexts have the same name in both cases.
For reasons of user authentication issues you may want to actually name the application context roots differently (such as qm2011 and qm3x, or qm1 and qm2). The different port itself will be enough to tell the two application apart, but there's a limitation that will cause the users to be forced to relog-in each time they switch from one app to the other if the contexts have the same name in both cases.
Feb 06 '14, 4:50 a.m.