How best to organise an RTC Traditional Project?

I'm a little confused about some of the terminology and steps to get to a working plan in RTC when applying Traditional planning methods.
- System
- System Phase 1
- Execution work items and milestones
- System Phase 2
- Execution work items and milestones
- System Phase 3
- Execution work items and milestones
- System Unplanned Work/Actions
- Platform 1
- Platform 1 - Phase 1
- Execution work items and milestones
- Platform 1 - Phase 2
- Execution work items and milestones
- Platform 1 - Phase 3
- Execution work items and milestones
- Platform 1 Unplanned Work/Actions
- Platform 2
- Platform 2 - Phase 1
- Platform 2 - Phase 2
- Platform 2 - Phase 3
2 answers

You are asking for weeks of consulting in an answer. I would suggest to check the following:
- Traditional planning is very limited. If at all possible use agile.
- It is possible to use cross project planning to track work across projects and also in one project.
- Use as few timelines as possible. You need different timelines, if teams have different schedules/rhythms
- Kanban is available at least in agile - not sure about traditional as I avoid having to use it.
- Iterations can not overlap
- Excel plan import is primitive, don't expect miracles. You can only import in a plan - a plan only looks at one iteration (with sub tree) in one timeline.

Hi. Firstly I do have IBM support but our budget limits the amount so I want to do the exploration and options ready to discuss and validate with them.

Support is for product errors and not for consulting.

The planning for Agile and Waterfall in RTC work in different ways - nothing like a pilot/project to help you understand. The traditional scheduler (waterfall) can be inflexible if you want to do detailed task management with resource planning...
How your projects are structure and reported will challenge your tool setup/configuration.
To be very honest I only use very basic parts of the Traditional scheduler as Plan snapshots and detailed resource allocation and time reporting is complex and time sheets are normally done outside of RTC in another system.
I would also not be to concerned about the "Active Iteration" as it really depends on the project. Some clients I've work with more Agile use this in the Agile Template but Waterfall teams or traditional project management can be across gateways/milestones at the same time.
I would be happy to discuss more or you want (think I sent you a linkedin request)? Lots of good articles and advise to trial in some demo projects.
Good luck

Hi Glyn,
It does sound like you are on a journey; Normally as Ralph mentioned you would benefit from some services and experience of someone who's been there before to help support your questions. It sounds like you have work items in mind but do you have a custom RTC Traditional Template?
A combination of Plans, Plan views and Dashboards can be very powerful.
The exact use of the Traditional planner can become complicated based on recourse usage / management so start simple...
Also If you are using Global config I assume you are also talking about Requirements and Test Plans and this may also need to be scoped in terms of reporting etc.
Have you spoken to IBM or have support?
Matt Muller