Earliest server version compatible with RTC client?
I just installed the RTC client on macOS, and I get this error when connecting to our server:
Exception constructing editor input
CRJAZ0056I There is a version mismatch for the "com.ibm.team.repository" service. The server version is "39" while the client version is "43".
Could you please let me know which is the latest client version that can work with this server?
And, alternatively, what is the earliest server version that would work with this client?
I find this issue very surprising, because I had already an RTC 6 client on my previous machine...
Accepted answer
One other answer
The RTC client is compatible with RTC server. That is it. The clients are compatible with the same version server and clients potentially are compatible with higher versions up to a major version - that is the aim, might not be possible. This is called N-1 client to server capability.
See the summary at the end of https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/new-version-and-now-experiences-with-sdk-and-plain-java-api-across-tool-versions/or open the system requirements or the product documentation for the details.
Get the server version and download the matching client.