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Importing a Spreadsheet

john smith (112) | asked Jul 14 '19, 8:24 a.m.
edited Jul 14 '19, 8:46 a.m.
 I'm in a Module, trying to import a spreadsheet. I've done this many times 2 years ago.

The Help file says use the Artefact menu. Cant find it. Spent 60 minutes. Help file has no screenshots.

If I right click on the Module in some other screen, I get a menu that has Import Spreadsheet, Link by Attribute (which is what I need next and is greyed out), but no Import Spreadsheet.

I am filling in for someone else on my project. They enter all the data. No one else will touch NG. I can see why.

3 answers

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john smith (112) | answered Jul 14 '19, 9:52 a.m.
 I seem to recall this happened 2 years ago as well. It cost the project a day while it was being figured out. I was an access issue.

I was setup as administrator before as well, but there is a switch somewhere that has to be set. If this is the problem, it should have been fixed by now after 2 years ...

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Jul 14 '19, 12:33 p.m.
Hi John,

There are a couple of ways to bring up the spreadsheet import window.

1 way is to click on the blue 'create' button.

Then select 'csv' option

This then gives you the option to import to a module or just import as loose artifacts in a folder.

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john smith (112) | answered Jul 14 '19, 7:25 p.m.
Thanks Sean, what are you doing skulking about the Forums at 3 am.

It threw me. The help says its the Artifact menu, not the create menu.

I wasn't looking to create anything - import requirements against an existing module.

Hopeless tool, poor documentation.

Thank you

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