DNG Artifact (Artefact) Types do not include "Functional Requirements"
I am entering requirements for my project and see that there is an Artifact type of "Non-Functional Requirement" but not a type of "Functional Requirement". Which artifact type should I use to define a function of a system such as its ability to move at a certain velocity, or have a maximum power of X kW?
One answer
The names used for artifact types are defined in each project, i.e. in the project you're using, perhaps created from a project template or perhaps the types haven't yet been created?
Obviously IDK what's in your project but it might be e.g. Requirement - it will be in the list of types available when you create a new artifact.
However it sounds you you should do some investigating/asking about what your company process is for creating/managing requirements so you're consistent with existing processes.