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DNG Fastest way to delete a lot of artifacts? (35k+)

Jose Sauco (111) | asked Sep 06 '23, 2:33 a.m.
edited Sep 06 '23, 2:33 a.m.
A little bit of context:
  • We have big modules with many artifacts 20k+
  • Someone copied a full module duplicating every artifact on that module
  • Then deleting that module, leaving the base artifacts on the 'artifacts folder'

I now want to delete all that artifacts since it affecting performance for a few custom applications we use for KPI.

How can a select them all to delete? I can find them easily doing filters but I can select all artifacts in a filter. I also tried to create a collection with them but I can't select them all either there.

Did you find this issue? Any recommendations?


One answer

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Rakesh S (39113) | answered Sep 12 '23, 3:17 a.m.

Hi Team,

You can navigate to the base artifacts folder and you can select all the artifacts from the checkbox,followed by deleting the same. You can select only 200 artifacts in one go.

Sample screenshot:

Rakesh S

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