DNG OSLC APIs to fetch Artifact attributes and links
I'm having trouble accessing links associated with artifact (e.g. validatedBy) by using OSLC APIs.
The response payload received from simple query with where clause "dcterms:identifier" and wildcard character "" in select clause doesn't have any details related to links.
Does link relationship owner pay roles in it? May i know way to fetch all artifact withing given Module/collection along with associated links and attributes?
Note: I have tried REST APIs and its too time taking (5 mins/page of size 1000 ). I would less prefer that option.
Here is Query I tried to execute :
Query executed on oslcResourceType: OSLCConstants.RM_REQUIREMENT_TYPE
queryParams.setWhere( "nav:parent=<http://[server:port]/rm/folders/_h_55dXWyEei7eqqp227SoQ> and f1:Variant=<http://[server:port]/rm/types/_dFSccXmKEeiA-axCpwGpIw#5c36d80a-ab4f-48dd-8828-b46dd1b293e7> and f1:Status=<http://[server:port]/rm/types/_wlyx6GW5Eei7eqqp227SoQ#_wlyx62W5Eei7eqqp227SoQ>");
Is it really possible to fetch artifact Links by using OSLC APIs?
Any suggestions/references/ examples are much appreciated ...
Thanks & Regards,
2 answers
I'm not sure if you have already seen it, but there are some examples in this site https://jazz.net/library/article/1197