DOORS - Folder search with using API
One answer
This is a recurrent question I think.
There is a very interesting blog post at . Scroll down to the middle of the page to find few examples of folder queries.
I hope it helps.
Best regards,
Hi Jean,
I have looked into the post but didn't find any way to search any perticlur folder, could you please give little bit description, how this will be implemented. Thanking in advance.
Ok, as OSLC is scalable, Folder concepts does not exist in OSLC RM, right? Since DNG was introduced with the new vocabulary "folder", DNG comes with new sets of services like query capability and creation factory for folder.
Please, read again the blog post, go to the section Exploring the project folder structure by using the folder query capability
In the project area service.xml document, identify the related node. It will look like
<oslc:QueryCapability> <dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">Folder Query Capability</dcterms:title> <oslc:queryBase rdf:resource="" /> </oslc:QueryCapability>
Then send a GET on the appropriate URI to get the list of folder in your project area.
I hope it helps.
You can't actually "search" a folder, as the folder query capability just gives a way to "locate" the root folder. See below post and the blog for more details.
HI Donald,
You are probably right.
Maybe there is no built-in advanced service for query folders.
However, the query capability service gives you all the folders available in a given project area. Then you could easily apply a filter in order to extract only the URI of the one you are interested in.
I wrote this code 2-3 years ago using java Xpath, it is doable!
Find attached the code written by my student.
I hope it helps.