RQM PDF export replaces symbol ≥ with #
One answer

The font specified in the advanced property in the print section (com.ibm.rqm.print.render.fop.FopDocumentRenderingService") is used to render the PDF.
The Default English Font "Helvetic" does not contain all the character and replaced it with the # character. So to fix the issue specify the font that has more characters, depending on the OS some fonts may or not be available by default. therefore you needs to specify a font that is available on the OS and that contains this character and the other used.
For this case as the server was on Windows the font used to fix the issue was Arial. i.e.
Change below property
Default English Font” from Helvetica to Arial
Changing the font to Arial usually works for windows server, for linux server, STIX seems to be the most complete font.