Has anyone experienced problems linking a CCM Work Item to a Requirement when using the RTC Client for Eclipse 4.6.x?

I ran into an issue where the RTC Client for Eclipse 4.6.x 'hung' with a blank window when I tried to establish an 'Implemented By' link between a work item in CCM (with iFix001) and an RM requirement. This does not occur if I downgrade to the Client for Eclipse 4.4.x. The 'blank' window I see for 4.6.x corresponds to the Login Window in the working scenario.
Is there a setup/configuration step I need to perform to allow this operation to work using client for Eclipse 4.6.x?
2 answers

This problem was unrelated to the version of the Eclipse Client - in fact, the Client for Eclipse 4.4.x also did not work when I tried it again later. I installed the Client for Eclipse 4.6.x on a different machine (a Windows 10 machine vs Windows Server 2012 where the application servers were running) and it worked fine.