Getting Requirement Creation Factory from service provider XML file
4 answers
_k6OTgD2hEeic14vgzZaL8g is the UID of a project area. They are UIDs because they are UNIQUE. _k6OTgD2hEeic14vgzZaL8g is most likely not a project area on the other server (except it is a backup).
I didn't catch the idea of expected result. But if you are trying to link two RM projects, placed on different servers, you need to add them to a GC project.
The service provider should have a creation factory for at least Requirement and RequirementCollection. Are you able to login to that DNG server, open the project area and create requirements? If so, then the service.xml file would have to have the creation factories and there must be something else wrong.
Can you establish consumer/friend relationship with that DNG server from RTC, and can you add an artifact container association to the project area and then create links between DNG and RTC?
Jim, thanks for the suggestion. We tried that today with no difference.