Status (Build Definition) and State (Build Records) in RQM?
Accepted answer
The list for Status ( on Build Definition and Build Record) and for State ( on Build Record) can not be hidden or changed.
How ever, when you provide an external build provider such as RTC ( CCM ) as build definition and record info source in to RQM, then this information is taken directly from the Build status as per RTC record. I think when info for any field is not provided by that build provider then the field is marked disabled but field is not hidden.
I presume that your use case is related with connecting RQM with external build provider. In that case, the build provider may or may not pass the information related with this field, and based on that the field values would be depicted ( some default or a valid status/status).
Let us know if you are looking for more information regarding this. Sharing your exact use case would help us to answer better for your context.
May 02 '19, 6:22 a.m.