Team Concert+Jenkins Lightweight checkout : Is there any way to get jenkinsfile from Team Concert repository?

I'm having a problem with Team Concert and Jenkins Pipeline script (jenkinsfile).
I'm using Jenkins v2.87 and teamconcert-plugin v1.2.0.5.
My projects and jenkinsfile is stored in RTC 6.0.5 SCM and i configure RTC details on Jenkins, In Jenkins under pipeline section, In Script Path i provided the Jenkinsfile path and gives the build.
In the log I get the error message:
Lightweight checkout support not available, falling back to full checkout.
It's teamconcert-plugin limitation?
I know that RTC scm-tools (lscm) have a command to get only one file from repository. So, how do I configure Jenkins to use it to get pipeline script instead of teamconcert-plugin?