Percentage calculation in Report builder
Can someone help me how can we calculate percentage of traced requirement in Report Builder.
We have the scenario in which we need to calculate the percentage of number of customer requirement which have satisfied by link to system requirement. Is there a way to compute it using Report Builder .
Can someone point in the right direction to perform the same?
4 answers
Start here: I'd suggest to read all of it. The Calculated values is likely what you need.
Will there ever be a situation where the total percentage is not 100%? If not, then you could use the logical formula:
=Sum(Fields!Sales.Value,"Table1")/Sum(Fields!Sales.Value,"Table1") * 100
I know it sounds very simplistic, but if the total percentage will always be 100%, then you could either use this formula, or just hard code "100%" into that field.
For calculate Math percentage use - Percentage Calculator