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When will CLM support Azure AD user authentication?

QA Team (1122) | asked Mar 27 '19, 7:21 a.m.


We're using IBM CLM hosted by IBM (SaaS). Right now we're using their OpenLDAP solution, which means that IBM have our users in their database.

Does anyone know if we can manage users via Azure AD, or when IBM CLM will support authentication via Azure AD?

Thanks in advance.

3 answers

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Davyd Norris (2.4k217) | answered Jan 27 '20, 7:01 p.m.
This is actually not that highly requested - in all my time working with clients and CLM, I've only had 3 clients ask about SSO, and just one ask about Azure AD.

Azure AD uses SAML to provide SSO, so integration is possible by using the Jazz Auth server. If you have any users who are also using rich clients, such as RPE, RTC or the Visual Studio extension then you'll also need to provide an LDAP end point via Azure, as SAML is a web-only protocol.

The main sticking point is that integration to external directories is an Enterprise SaaS capability - if you are on a Professional SaaS instance then it's only available as a paid add on.

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Mar 27 '19, 9:15 a.m.

 Since you are on a SaaS deployment, I suggest you work with your contacts there to explore this question.

QA Team commented Mar 27 '19, 10:11 a.m.

Last time I checked, for approx. 4-5 months ago the answer was no, not possible. But do you mean it is possible but I need to check directly with out contacts? This was just a common question if someone else had any information. I assume it's a highly requested feature.

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Randy Valbert (11) | answered Aug 22 '20, 6:50 a.m.
edited Aug 22 '20, 6:06 p.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

 I think to solve this issue, you can use azure adfs, which in turn will give additional control and accounting for all users, as well as increase security with adfs authentication using one-time passwords 2FA. This approach allows you to control all levels of users without violating the unified azure adfs certificates that currently have active support from Microsoft.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 22 '20, 6:06 p.m. | edited Aug 22 '20, 6:07 p.m.
What a product supports is determined by the product and in this case the SaaS provider. I can't see any reason why your answer would provide anything. I will delete the ad link. If you can come up with a reason why the answer belongs here, please provide it timely.

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