JRS- showing wrong data
Dear team,
We tried to build the traceability report like from test plan to test execution record . We configured life cycme query engine using configuration as a data source. If we try to run the report its showing blank data. Some times its showing more records than we expected..can anyone tell what we have to do for this?
2 answers
One thing to keep in mind is that that JRS relies on the Lifecycle Query Engine to collect data from QM and make it available to the reporting service. Reports will, therefore, not immediately reflect the current state of the data. Depending on the compute resources available to your server(s) it may take 5 minutes or more to update the reports assuming there are no errors when updating the TRS Data sources.
If you have admin rights - one thing you might check would be to confirm that there are no errors indicated on the LQE admin page (<your root>/lqe/web/admin/data-sources) and all data sources report being 'Up-to-date'.
As mentioned above, JRS uses the warehouses to get its data - this may be the LQE (which refreshes every 5 mins by default but can be changed), or it may be the Data warehouse, which by default refreshes every 24 hours at 1AM and 3AM
You can change the schedule to run more frequently, but this will of course add load to your server, and you can also selectively manually run data load jobs.