RPE RM Deployed Reports with multiple inherited data sources of the same type
I have created a traceability reports starting from a module
3 answers
Thank you. Unfortunately, I'm still not able to deploy with the following:
modules - being used for the reporting module
Second module data source: I re-engineered the report to reuse data source "modules". I'm reading associated (linked) modules to perform a validation step. I do this step first...and store what I need in variables. Then open the data source for the reporting module
_text - taking the reporting details from the reporting module context binding
_resources - this is a trace report
Result: Report Generation Fail, Review the report data source configuration.
I'm using RM 6.0.6 and RPE 2.1.1
I'm trying the approach above for reuse of existing data sources.
The error is "Report Generation Fail, Review the report dat source configuration. https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21685965 "The definition for the Data Source schemas for RRC/DNG is defined in Rational Requirements Composer data sources."
What I think could be the issue is I had multiple data sources for modules:
modules - the lead data source - module
_modules - a pass thru modules linked to the reporting modules - I'm doing this to pull in an array of artifacts in other modules for a validation step.
_text - more details needed form the "modules" artifacts - (attributes, ptext etc)
_resources - linking associated to the "modules" artifacts - more details such as primary text
Okay! I finally found the issue -using the rmReporting.logs. Lessons Learned: Be careful about re-use. Sometimes there may be corruption which could be carried over to a new report