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Fetching RTC releases in DNG

Amit Garg (312051) | asked Feb 12 '19, 9:04 a.m.
retagged Mar 21 '19, 3:17 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

 We are using CLM 6.0.5 and we have a requirement where we want the RTC release list to be displayed as a field/attribute in DNG.

Since its a collaborative environment, we were planning to link certain top level requirements to the releases we have in RTC and we don't want to duplicate the data as we have like hundreds of releases in there.

Please suggest any approach (if its possible)

2 answers

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Jagadeesh Jayapal (284) | answered Feb 18 '19, 4:38 a.m.

I think this feature doesnt exist. You cannot assign RTC releases to DNG requirements, instead you must go over Global Configiguration (GC) connecting the DNG stream/baseline and RTC release. 

permanent link
Ken Tessier (84117) | answered Mar 21 '19, 3:17 p.m.

Not sure if this answers your question, but the Enabling linking of work items to versioned artifacts topic includes this note:

"When you create a link from a versioned artifact, such as an RM requirement or a QM test case, if the target CCM project area has multiple releases associated with the same global configuration, the work items for all those releases appear in the selection list. When you create a work item from a versioned artifact, if the target CCM project area has multiple releases associated with the same global configuration, all of those releases appear as choices in the Found In field. The release values appear in the inverse order in which they were created in the CCM project area. You can see releases that are not associated with the global configuration by clicking the Click for more values icon. If you select one of those releases, you cannot navigate the link from the work item to the versioned artifact."


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