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Term Reference links with OSLC

David Reilly (69642) | asked Dec 04 '18, 11:27 a.m.

Hi Jazz Forum,

Is it possible to create Term Reference Links ( OSLC? By extension, would this same answer apply to the non-oslc_rm rdf's?

If anyone familiar who can provide direction on this would have my undying gratitude.


Accepted answer

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Jim Amsden (29337) | answered Dec 04 '18, 1:09 p.m.

 These properties are all available through OSLC. If you do a GET on an Requirement with term references, you'll see those properties.

David Reilly selected this answer as the correct answer

David Reilly commented Dec 04 '18, 1:21 p.m.

Thank you Jim, you glorious human. 

For the two-point conversion: Can we update the Requirement's Term Referenced value? It doesn't look like the Requirement.class has a function/definition for it, but it doesn't mean that it is not possible. 

Please forgive me if that's too open-ended.

One other answer

permanent link
Jim Amsden (29337) | answered Dec 04 '18, 11:31 a.m.

David Reilly commented Dec 04 '18, 11:44 a.m.

Hi Jim! Thanks so much for pointing me to this vocabulary. 

I'm afraid I have to ask a follow-up. 

Does this mean that the listed link types are not accessible with OSLC? Or do we need to do something on our end to make it so? We're using RDNG v6.0.2.

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