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DNG OSLC support for tags and comments

Matthew Hardin (50814) | asked Feb 04 '16, 5:15 p.m.
 Is there a way, perhaps using the OSLC extended properties, to set tags and comments on DNG requirement artifacts?

Currently using Lyo and DNG 6.0.1 to migrate artifacts from one repository to another and can't quite figure these two items out.

Donald Nong commented Feb 05 '16, 5:04 a.m.

If it is not exposed in any way, it may not be implemented at all. At least I have not found any way to create tags and comments using OSLC yet.

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ian green (17814) | answered Feb 08 '16, 3:04 p.m.
Matthew Hardin selected this answer as the correct answer

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