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In a Plan, work items are reflecting in a web-client, but not in RTC IDE ?

Tanmay Shirnalkar (1531319) | asked Mar 15 '16, 12:47 a.m.
Hi All

I have a sprint backlog created for current sprint, which consists below work items:

But when I view the same plan in RTC Eclipse IDE 4.0.3 (JazzTeamServer is 4.0.7), child task work items are not reflecting there, only epics & stories are showing.

Even I have tried to switch between different views, still the same.

One more thing I noticed from web client, when I switched to new Planned Time view, I'm getting the time for those work items which are not reflecting in eclipse is of future;

Not sure, if this is related or not.

Kindly help !

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 15 '16, 4:50 a.m.
Several remarks since you use a different client version there might be fixes etc. that have an impact. In General the Eclipse client planning was under maintenance and new features went usually only in the Web UI. Even then there were differences and it was almost impossible to maintain it to be consistent.

With 6.x the Eclipse Client planning component is removed and only the web planning client remains.
Tanmay Shirnalkar selected this answer as the correct answer

Tanmay Shirnalkar commented Mar 15 '16, 11:17 p.m.

Thanks Ralph for your response on this.

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