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Rational team concert last login information

Pierre Charbonneau (113) | asked Nov 13 '18, 11:11 a.m.

I have requested to retrieve a list of Active Users and their last login date ? I have searched the net and this Forum and could not locate how to do this. We are running Rational team concert on a Windows server. I was able to use the repotool to get active users information however not their last login. Any ideas how this can be achieved would be appreciated. I am assuming we are using WAS in version 4.0.5

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sreenath v (78578) | answered Nov 22 '18, 4:26 a.m.
Currently there is no way to get user login history for Audit history from CLM or WAS directly is my assumption.But still you can able to get some details about user history by creating a extra plugin for that.
Please refer below URL.

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