Does not have permission to read workspace with ID '_UnD_YDMfEeihxbNQVMVfeg'
Accepted answer
It sounds like you verified the workspace has the correct 'visibility' settings.
One other idea:
Perhaps the code that is retrieving the workspace is trying to find the workspace by name (instead of by idemID), and perhaps there are 2 (or more) identically named repository workspace, and so it might be trying to read a workspace that you are not expecting.
What you can do is navigate to any workspace in the web UI, then change the part of the URL which specifies the workspace itemID and replace it with '_UnD_YDMfEeihxbNQVMVfeg'. That way you can confirm you have the right workspace, with the right visibility settings.
Hi David,
Thanks for replying. You are right. I have navigated to one of workspaces in the web UIIts trying to read a workspace that I am not expecting.Then changed the part of the URL which specifies the workspace itemID and replace it with '_UnD_YDMfEeihxbNQVMVfeg'. Its giving the error "User 'workload' does not have permission to read workspace with ID '_UnD_YDMfEeihxbNQVMVfeg' ".Actual ItemID is different than this. There is only one repository with this workspace name. Could you please guide me to solve this issue ?
I would login with an ADMIN user (or work with your server admin) and navigate to that URL, that way you can see what repository workspace it is. This will tell you the name of the workspace, who owns it, and what the visibility settings are. (It's hard to make the claim that "there is only one workspace with this name" if you can't see the name of this workspace :) ).
Also, what code is being used to 'fetch' the workspace anyway?
1 vote
I tell you from the beginning. We had one functional id earlier. The guy who was owning this functional ID left IBM so that functional ID got deleted. because of that I was not able to trigger the build by using this functional id. Then, we created one new functional id. Added this functional id in our team area.I have created one new workspace and checked out all the codes to this Workspace.This new workspace name is completely different from previous one.
Now, I logged in as an ADMIN(as you suggested) and navigated to the URL. It took me to the repository which I have created by using new Functional ID. New 'functional id' is the owner of this workspace. The visibility setting is 'Public'.
I am a Java developer and using Java code in our project.
I guess the question then is what code is running (which reads the workspace), and 'who' is the logged in user that is running that code?
1 vote
I am completely new to Jazz and I am alone handling this project . Could you please tell me how can I find what code is running and who is the logged in user ?
What is running against the server? A build? Build Definition? Jenkins? Jazz Build Engine? Where is that started? What passwords are used there? This is basically all we need to understand to help.Somewhere, there is an automation running that accesses the repository workspace and it does not have access.
Unless yu can provide more information we can't help, really. If the question is not answered, please uncheck the accept .
PS: you can, as an Administrator, change the owner of a repository workspace. So if the owner moves ahead, you can change the owner of existing workspaces if needed.
You can drop me an e-mail to and we can maybe try a quick call non Monday to get you on the right tack if possible.
Sure Ralph !
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