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Moving RTC workitems from one project area to another withiin same repository

Accepted answer

Yes. Use the move work item capability in each work item editor or use https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BulkMoveWorkItemsBetweenProjectAreas or

Thanks Ralph.
But the intention is to retain work items "History" as well. Would that be possible with what you suggested? Thanks!

Yes, there is a reason for my choices.

Thanks. Would it work for RTC v4.0.3, please confirm.

You should consider reading the provided information and links. So yes, use the move work item capability in each work item editor or use https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/BulkMoveWorkItemsBetweenProjectAreasInRTC4

Thanks Ralph. Sure, i will go thru all the details. Thanks again!