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If I use an older instance of my RM server will it update after it is installed?

Shawn Chaney (118) | asked Oct 26 '18, 12:06 p.m.

My current RM instance is unusable. I installed a month older RM instance into my DOORSng system and I can see files populating in the indices subfolder. Will I be able to view artifacts when this migration is complete? Right now I can open the project page but can see any new artifacts yet.

2 answers

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Oct 26 '18, 3:13 p.m.
edited Oct 26 '18, 3:14 p.m.
Hi Shawn, it's not clear to me what you did from your description.
Did you do an upgrade to an older(?) version of DNG? Please elaborate more what steps you took and what you can or can't do right now (as you said: but can see any new artifacts yet. Guess that's a typo on can)
Also what version are you running?

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Shawn Chaney (118) | answered Oct 30 '18, 2:41 p.m.

I used an earlier instance that didn't contain the migrated data as the RM server that I broke and it populated the data on it's own. Actually it runs better now

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