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Rational Directory Server

Sean F (1.3k252162) | asked Aug 11 '19, 1:59 p.m.
Does DNG/CLM work with Rational Directory Server?

Is there a forum for getting help with Rational Directory Server?


Ralph Schoon commented Aug 12 '19, 3:01 a.m.

You can find the system requirements on the getting started page: . They list all the prerequisites and supported software. 

2 answers

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Richard Watson (1761) | answered Aug 12 '19, 5:15 a.m.

Both products make use of the same version of Tivoli for deployment efficiency and we try to keep this aligned as much as possible.  I don't see any reason why DOORS Next could not take it's users from RDS but have not done that specific test.

What is your purpose?  What are you trying to get out of connecting the two systems rather than connecting DOORS Next directly to your corporate directory?

Sean F commented Aug 12 '19, 5:30 a.m.

Hi Richard,

I have been engaged to do a couple of weeks consultancy getting RDS working for DOORS Classic for a customer in Australia.

I was looking for a forum where RDS deployment can be discussed and is a very active forum.

My need is not primarily in relation to DOORS Next.

There does not seem to be a forum on DeveloperWorks dedicated to RDS unless I have over looked it.

The DOORS Classic Administration forum on DeveloperWorks is pretty quiet these days.

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