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Complete template for email templates in RTC

Are there any complete templates for emails templates, either in RTC or if anyone else can share? The default email templates for below items doesn't look that good:
- Approvals
- Messages At Me
- Work Item Aggregate Changes Notification
Work Item Change Notification
This job has most likely been done several times for different companies. Does anyone want to share their template solutions? The default templates lack structure, table, colors etc. Maybe someone have added their company logotype, if possible?
If it's ok, this can be a "sharing thread" for email templates.
Thanks in advance.
One answer

Hi QA Team,
This looks for a tool improvement. Please create a new enhancement on jazz.net: https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational Team Concert#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.newWorkItem&type=enhancement
QA Team
Nov 16 '18, 7:44 a.m.No one with a complete template?
QA Team
Mar 27 '19, 7:12 a.m.Still no one with a complete email template for defects, work items etc?