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How Can I Mass Export Test Artifacts into csv format using RQM Command Line Utility?

R Z (1273453) | asked Oct 25 '18, 8:52 a.m.


How Can I Mass Export Test Artifacts into csv format using RQM Command Line Utility?
I am aware of the fact that Test Artifacts can be downloaded into csv format from WEB UI, but I need to know if there is any way we can do the same action by command utilities.

Thank you

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 28 '18, 12:57 p.m.

Hi Riaaz,

Unfortunately, you can only export test artifacts in CSV format using the Web UI.  See Importing and exporting test artifacts.  However, you can use the RQM Reportable REST API ( or OSLC QM API ( to HTTP GET test artifacts as XML/JSON.

Note: The Command Line Adapter (Running command-line tests) is used for running or executing tests.

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