RQM URL Utility always returns error saying "Javascript not enabled on your browser"
Hi all,
Hi all I am new to OSLC and RQM. As per standard documents I used RQMUrlUtility for create test artifact in RQM. I just running jar in command prompt passing following parameters:
-command GET -user XXXXX -password XXXXX -filepath D:\GET_0709_1.txt -url https://d-9392:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/RQM%20Exploration%20(Quality%20Management)/testcase/testcase:628
What is mistake? Please analyze url. <o:p> </o:p>
Accepted answer
According to readme, it says:
These examples use URL encoded project aliases in resource URL references (-url). When invoking the RQM URL Utility from a batch file, enclose resource URL references (-url) in double quotes
So in your url, project area should be alias name which may not be correct in your case.
Please run
on a browser and check with the alias of the target project area and copy it to
ProjectAlias in
urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:628 instead of testcase:628 ) in your case.
Hi Don,
<o:p> </o:p>
Thanks for your reply. I change my url as following but still I am getting 400 Bad request error. Can you help me for same. Following is my modified url:
-command GET -user xxxx -password yyyy -filepath D:\GET_0709_1.txt -url "https://d-9392:9443/qm/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Quality%20Management/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:628" <o:p> </o:p>
I see two /qm in your url which should be one only.
Shweta, I suggest you verify the URL in a browser first, and it will save you a lot of trouble. If the URL is correct, it will bring you to the specified test case. If you know how to use another REST client (with GUI, such as the RESTClient plugin for Firefox), use it before jumping on RQM URL Utility.
Hi Don,
I moved your new question here: