RQM Exel Import: How to link an Iteration and Test Environment to executionworkitem?
i have defined my TCER with the executionworkitem attribute in cfg as far as it was possible for me. Two fields missing where i don't know how to link them with executionworkitem attribute in the cfg:
1.) Iteration: How can i link the Iteration, specified for the Test Plan, to my TCER via executionworkitem like the Test Case or Test Script?
2.) Test Environment: How can i link the Test Environment as defined in the Test Plan to my TCER via executionworkitem?
RQM Version: 6.0.5
I tried "executionworkitem.testphase=Link(D1)" for Iteration but got a 500 Response Code with NullPointerException.
I tried "executionworkitem.configuration=Link(E1)" for Test Environment. Import successfull but Test Environment for TCER was not updated.
2 answers
Hi Frank,
The cfg syntax for defining testphase/iteration and environment/configuration is
executionworkitem.configuration=Link(N) - (where N contains configuration name)
executionworkitem.testphase=Link(H2) - where column H2 has the testphase name
along with that you have to separately define the configuration for test-environment and test phase in the same cfg file- (if you are creating it along with TCER).
You can refer the sample file Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls and Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.cfg for more details.
(<installation_dir_for_excel/word_tool>\Samples\ Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls).
Also, you can refer wiki https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMExcelWordImporter for more details.
Hi Frank,
There was some fix delivered for this sample file in 606 iFix003. Please download the iFix003 version of word/excel utility tool from https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/releases/6.0.6?p=allDownloads (Microsoft Excel and Word to Rational Quality Manager Import Utility" 6.0.6 iFix003).