RQM APIUtility Issue
I'm experiencing the following in a 6.0.6 iFix019 environment:
I'm getting a client with:
APIHttpClient client = APIHttpClientFactory.getGenericClient(new URL(url), USER, PASSWORD);
The behavior
- login() returns 200
- The first sign of trouble: when FeedReader.getIds() is invoked, JazzHttpClient.checkForRelogin() checks the authentication header, which is equal to HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, and another login is forced, which returns 200.
- Even though we seem to be authenticated, the XML returned by FeedReader.getIds() is not the XML of the feed, but the xhtml that is returned when you're not authenticated.
I experience this behavior only in my client's environment, not on my own server. Aside from there being multiple QM servers in their deployment, the only other variable I can think of is that their deployment requires TLSv1.2, which I've forced the APIUtility to use by setting overrideProtocol to "TLSv1.2" in SSLContextUtil.
I don't have this issue with RQMRestClient in the CopyUtility.