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Does/is JAZZ supported on newer Oracle versions?

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked Aug 27 '19, 12:20 p.m.

 We're looking at upgrading to from 6.0.5.  In conjunction with this we're also looking at upgrading our backend db to a later version of Oracle. We're currently running 11gR2 which is approaching end of support in 2020.

Looking at IBM's Sw compatibility they only list 12C for 6061 as the latest Oracle version but nothing newer eg 19C.
Has anyone updated their back end db to a later Oracle version? If so to what?

Was the backend db upgraded before JAZZ or post Jazz upgrade?  I'm questioning the sequence of upgrades.
I presume it should be upgrade JAZZ then upgrade db.



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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Aug 27 '19, 1:55 p.m.
Hello Norman
Best practice will be to do one thing at a time. Regarding sequence, tackle upgrade first, then upgrade the database once upgrade testing passes.

Oracle 12c R2 is the latest that is supported with 6061.
Norman Dignard selected this answer as the correct answer

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