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Test Suite Categories to Test Suite Execution Records

Dana Watts (141617) | asked Jul 01 '14, 4:18 p.m.
 We have created a set of categories for our Test Suites.  However, when we create the Test Suite Execution Record (TSER), those categories are not carried over.  We need that same information to have classify the tests and the results coming out of the tests.  In looking through RQM, I cannot find a way to get the categories to carry over to the corresponding TSERs.  

Is there anyway to do this or do we have manually add the informtaion onto the TSER after already adding it to the Test Suite?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 01 '14, 6:54 p.m.
Hi, Dana

Unfortunately sharing category among the artifacts is not available in RQM currently. There are a couple of RFEs there and the most active one is:

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