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Send High Priority mail using follow up plugin

Anurag Patel (21868) | asked Sep 21 '18, 7:26 a.m.


I am using 6.0.5 version.
I have created one follow up plugin which can send the customise E-Mail to the users.
I had written the logic to set those E-Mail as 'High Priority', and tested it by deployed the plugin on server system.
But that E-Mail is not set to high priority. Debug the code and check , value for High Priority is set into the message but mail is not set/showing to the High Priority symbol/message in outlook.

Same code (E-Mail sending logic ) I have tested in simple Java program. It is working perfectly.
Can any one having some idea about it, Why it is not set to High Priority.
Is there any limitation with mail sending server API.


David Lafreniere commented Sep 24 '18, 11:20 p.m.

Would you mind sharing the code snippet you are currently using to send emails as 'high priority'? It's possible this might help others pinpoint what may be going wrong.

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Anurag Patel (21868) | answered Sep 25 '18, 1:35 a.m.

 Hi David,

Below are the code for mail sending and set the mail as high priority.

Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
BodyPart part1 = new MimeBodyPart();
part1.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");


mailerService.sendMultipartMail(mailerService.getDefaultSender(), toAddress, subject, multipart, cc);

I tried for both Priority and Importance but mail is not set to high priority.

Thanks .

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