DNG - Multiple artifact types vs Single artifact type with ennumerated attribute
In DNG when defining a schema which has similar requirement types you can sometimes either create multiple artifact types or else you can create a single artifact type with an enumerated attribute to differentiate between the requirement types.
In terms of reporting capabilities like using JRS and other DNG features what are the pros and cons of using multiple artifact types (say reliability, maintainability, sustainability requirement type artifacts) vs a single artifact (say Non-Functional Requirement with enumerated attribute:- reliability, maintainability, sustainability) ?
I am thinking keeping the number of artifact types to the minimum possible would be a good guideline but interested in what the impacts upon reporting capabilities etc. would be in each of the 2 cases.
3 answers
I have this same question. I am also leaning towards fewer artifact types, but wonder if there is an impact to reporting (or anything else) that I need to be aware of prior to heading down that road. Any advice?
One potential negative impact to having fewer artifact types is that sometimes multiple attributes may apply to a single artifact, depending upon how it is written, which I think would impact reporting.
Hi Rachel,
If the attribute definitions are different between the 2 proposed artifact types then using different artifact types is better.
Otherwise it is simpler to go with 1 artifact type and use a 'type' attribute to differentiate. It really comes down to how similar the proposed types are conceptually in terms of the overall framework.
JRS reporting will work either way as you can distinguish between types by attribute value or artifact type.
You also have the option of breaking them out into separate artifact types later if the attributes diverge..