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Move RM 6.0.1 to its own server

Cameron McKay (571021) | asked Feb 27 '17, 12:39 p.m.


Presently, I have CLM 6.0.1 installed in my environment with one server.  The one server contains JTS, RM, QM, CCM, LDX and GC.  The usage of RM has increase over the past year and performance of RM has decreased.  I would like to put RM on its own server to facilitate this increased usage and improve performance.

In the new topology, there will be three servers.
  • Server 1: Apache re-direct server that will re-direct requests to the correct server based on the URL.
  • Server 2: RM server that will have WebSphere and RM installed.
  • Server 3: JTS, QM, CCM, LDX and GC server that will have WebSphere and each of those web apps installed.
I'm seeking some guidance in moving RM to its own server using the topology mentioned above.  Some questions I have are as follows:
  • Do you see any challenges with moving RM to its own server?
  • Is there an alternative topology that would be easier to implement?
  • Do you have any advice or materials that I could read for implementing this change?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Cam.

Accepted answer

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Cameron McKay (571021) | answered Mar 07 '17, 2:56 p.m.

For anyone who encounters a similar situation, I've found an article that details the full process and several different situations for you to consider.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 28 '17, 2:36 a.m.

 Please make yourself familiar with the Deployment Wiki: This section has a link Migrating CLM to a new Environment that is relevant to your question. Other scenarios like DB or App Server changes are also available.

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