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Are the number of friendships limited by project or system-wide?

We have one large RQM project area with many small RTC project areas. Are there any limitations on the number of friendships one project area can have - with system constraints, practical limitations, or performance considerations?
If we broke it out to many RQM projects, then there would be many more friendship definitions system-wide, but fewer per project. Any issue with that?
One answer

I am not aware of any limitation of firendships between RTC and RQM by project or system-wide. The more concerns to me is the large QM project itself. By 'large' I guess you mean there are a large number of artifacts in that project area, that could have performance problem in showing a view/query, printing PDF job etc.
Marty Duchow
Jun 09 '16, 3:15 p.m.Don, what concerns do you have about a large QM project? And what do you consider to be "large"?
Don Yang
Jun 13 '16, 4:02 a.m.Looks like someone converted my comments into the answer. I have listed the concerns in my previous comments. I dont know what you mean by "large" in your original question. I guess it means you have hundreds and thousands of test artifacts(testcase, script, test plan, etc).