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DNG Default Workflow end state 'complete'

Sean F (1.3k252162) | asked Aug 21 '18, 10:18 a.m.
Why does the default workflow end in the state 'complete' regardless of whether a requirement is accepted or rejected?

Is there any reason why workflows should have a single end state?

If 'rejected' requirements had a final state of 'rejected' then would that not make them easier to identify?

Are workflows equally easy to report on as attributes? I know the simpler enumerated 'status' attribute approach makes reporting simple. Using a workflow instead is nicer but are there any penalties in terms of simplicity of reporting filtering etc. on requirements using a workflow instead of a  simple 'status' attributes?

Softacus AG commented Aug 21 '18, 2:36 p.m.

After you reject the state is Rejected. You can change and add own workflows

State gives you also editing control and can make trouble during reqif/excel roundtrip 

Sean F commented Aug 22 '18, 11:11 a.m.

Good point, ReqIF does not do workflows whereas project archives do (but no round trip) so that would be something to bear in mind when weighing up workflows vs attributes for status.

I am also wondering if there is any problem with configuring a workflow with multiple end states. I have never come across any examples and the Rejected---> Completed state transition in the default workflow (to make only one single possible end state) looks odd, which is what makes me wonder.

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