Generate Document Style Report - Configuring Reporting Menu Options
version: v6.0.2iFix015
application: DOORS Next Generation
Hi folks -
First things first: we have deployed RPE templates before and we know how to post them via admin settings.
We currently have working templates which require you to have the artifact (module) open before you can select the dropdown "Reports" menu where you select the module, output type, etc.
However: There appear to be multiple ways to create document-style reports.
- From "Reports" dropdown -- mentioned above.
- * From artifact browser, Right-click, "Generate Document-style Report for this artifact"
- * From module "More Actions" (hamburger menu), "Generate a Report for this View"
- * From module "More Actions" (hamburger menu), "Create and Print Microsoft Word / PDF"
How do we configure and enable specific reporting options for items #2, #3, and #4 above? Links to IBM guides or specific suggestions are acceptable. Are there limitations on the types of reports (text vs module), or is this something we can configure to be for "quick" reporting?
As always, sincere thanks and good karma to anyone willing to help.
One answer
This is something to do with "Context" of MANIFEST.MF file. You can try setting the following and see if you find latter options:
Context: quickprintmodule
Subramanya -
Thank you for responding. I am still seeking to implement your changes.
Could you perhaps tell me the difference between some of the language there? i.e. Reporting from a view, "Create and Print," and "Report from artifact"?
Thank you!
The difference lies in the URL used by DNG to configure the report. If I am not wrong, in Quick Print, URL for the current view is used and the latter uses the URL of the module or the artifact selected.
You may refer
1 vote
So I can, for example, create a filter of modules and loop through them, generating documents for each module present?