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[RDNG] Inserting & Exporting OLE Artifacts

Paul Statham (1113) | asked Dec 10 '15, 9:12 p.m.

We migrated a large volume of documents from DOORS v9.2 into RDNG recently. During that migration, we made all of our documents figures and tables into OLEs within MS Word. When they migrated successfully, in RDNG the display as the following:

Artifact ID: #######
[Text: OLE Object]

The JPEG can be clicked, it takes you to a another Artifact which is in fact a JPEG of the first page of the OLE (if the OLE is a single page, such as a figure, it is the figure but not editable).
The text is hyperlinked and when you click it, it takes you to another Artifact (similar to the JPEG) but it is the actually OLE file that was uploaded. Here you can select "Download for Viewing" and you will download your OLE.

Now if we were viewing the entire document within RDNG, and exported to MS Word via the "Create Report and Print..." option, those OLEs export as well. When you get your final document into MS Word you can open up each OLE that you would like.

We've run into a problem when creating new OLEs. We cannot seem to replicate the process that was initially done by another team (unsure of whom at this point). We can upload the OLE Artifact into RDNG. We can replicate the JPEG image of the first page, but we cannot insert anything into a new Artifact. If we try to, we get the following:

Artifact ID: #######
[X] Embedded Image (this results after trying to either Insert Image or Insert Artifact)
[Text: OLE Object] (we can link to the OLE Artifact, but when we click it the link is broken and brings up the "We're sorry..." page; when you hover over the link the metadata shows the Artifact however.)

I wish I could show examples but I cannot. Hopefully this is enough.


One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 13 '15, 11:00 p.m.
If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, you should use "Add Link (Ctrl+L)" to add both the image and the OLE object to the containing requirement artifact - there should not be any broken links if you select the artifact at the prompt (not by specifying a URL).

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