RDNG License Timeout 6.0.3
According to this post https://jazz.net/forum/questions/223324/clm-license-timeout-option increasing the License timeout should have changed the timeout period. But, upon checking Issued Leases, the Timeout shown still reflects a 60 minute timeout, rather that then 120 minute change I made.
Accepted answer
There are several properties for licenses, so I had to look twice too.
The one we were looking at is in section Core Repository Component -> subsection com.ibm.rational.common.token.licensing.RLSLicenseService, which works for token licenses.
Instead look at the one for floating licenses:
section Core Repository Component -> subsection com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.license.FloatingLicenseService -> License checkout time
which has default 3600 seconds.
Doubling the value to 7200 indeed extended the lease to two hours for me.
Bas Bekker
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 20 '18, 10:36 p.m.Hi Carol
Just to be sure, assume you use floating licenses, and you changed the values on the JTS server right? And how did you check the leases?
Carol Watson
Aug 21 '18, 9:10 a.m.Hi Bas,