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Can custom changes be made to the 'Ready to Use' burndown charts in JRS 6.0.5?

Nathan Hoburn (1719) | asked Aug 10 '18, 3:45 p.m.

The ready to use burndown reports in JRS 6.0.5, such as the burndown by story points report, are hard-coded to display the number of story points assigned to work items that have the status of 'open' or 'in progress' over daily intervals. Is there any way to alter the status to 'Reviewed' instead of the default? It is not one of the run time parameters that can be changed in the UI, but could this be changed via the report code? If so, where are these ready to use reports stored in the data source? 


Jazz 6.0.5 iFix006
Data warehouse data source; SQL Server

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Aug 10 '18, 3:53 p.m.

You may want to take a look at this blog entry, which shows how to create custom trend reports using Work Item History.  We've used this capability to build our own custom burndown reports for the cases when the out of the box options didn't match what we wanted -

Nathan Hoburn selected this answer as the correct answer

Nathan Hoburn commented Aug 16 '18, 9:43 a.m.

Thank you for that link. I didn't realize I had to go back into the 'Table' view to add in the calculated attributes to get them to be available for my burn down graph. Very helpful. 

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