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Creating work items from Plan view defaults Filed Against value to team NOT set as default

Amy Grueninger (133) | asked Aug 09 '18, 12:09 p.m.
I am trying to understand why a work item defaults to a specific team when a  task is created from a Plan view.

  1. I am using Teams and Categories are associated to those Team Areas.
    1. I do not have a Category marked to Use As Default.
  2. The owner of the plan is the highest level in the Team Area Hierarchy because they have multiple teams owning items in a plan.
  3. If I create a Task from the Work Item menu it defaults to Unassigned.
  4. The Unassigned category is Associated to a different team than the one the tasks are defaulting to.
  5. I am using version 6.0.4 of the web client.

    Any insight would be appreciated.

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