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How to import and export work item templates in RTC 5.0.2 from server A to server B

vijay panari (5211118) | asked Feb 18 '15, 12:34 a.m.
edited Feb 19 '15, 11:10 a.m. by Jennifer Cianchetta-Riordan (2512)
Hi All,

I have created custom work item templates on server A (RTC 5.0.2). same thing we have to import to server B(RTC 5.0.2) but while we import server B we are getting error.

Step 1-file->Import- >team-> work item template - >selected XML file and finish.
Step2- New work item from template- selected Available template -getting below error
Cannot create work item specified by the template. work item type " typetesting review" is unknown.

I have exported template work item in XML file on server A. But we unable to import the same XML file in Server B.
Can any way to guide us to import and export custom work item template.
I referring to below link.

Please guide to solve this issue.

Thanks & Regards
Vijay Panari

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 18 '15, 2:55 a.m.
Work Item Templates depend on the process of the project areas. If you don't have the same process and especially a mismatch in the work item type ID's in both processes, then the imported template simply can not work. It should be pretty obvious that this is the reason for the above error message.

You can modify the XML to match the data of the target project area to be able to import and use it.
vijay panari selected this answer as the correct answer

vijay panari commented Feb 18 '15, 5:21 a.m.

 Hi, Ralph,

We tried with same work item type id. its not working. Can you please share few links or guide me if i am wrong. 


Ralph Schoon commented Feb 18 '15, 5:35 a.m.

I don't see what I can do to help. You need to get the data right, if the project areas have a different process. The XML is not too complex and it should be easy enough to figure that work items to use and you can find the ID for them in the target project areas process easily enough. You can look through the forum if there are other hints:

I would try to export import between two projects with the same not customized process to understand the process and then try to fix issues due to different processes.

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