How to maintain parent & child work item while importing csv file
Hello Team,
One answer
Assume this is RTC?...
Best to put in an example set of RTC Tasks (parent and Child) then then export to csv will give you everything you need and add columns for ID, Type, Summary,Parent (as a minimum).
1. Suggest you change to actual number on the import and use - Requirement 1 is a Milestone and Requirement 2 Task, Requirement 3 Task are Child of Requirement 1
2. You need to add "#" before the ID for the Parent
The answer is simple: RTC is smart
RTC is able to use any ID in the import file to determine the link to set, but use actual/real (new) IDs during import.
So here is a demo.csv:
Id,Type,Summary,Filed Against,Parent
Hello Muller,
Hello Ananth,
It's not exactly clear exactly what you are asking, however my view:
I do not think it's possible to edit the csv import whilst using the web - Import Work Items from csv
Take a look at the help:
You could investigate a mapping file?
I assume you are talking about "Planned for" attribute so you should be able to export some example data with "Values" and then you can use this to set up your import file.