How to Roll-up status of Test case Execution records in RQM
Accepted answer
Use the below steps to use the Roll up Status for TCERs.
Provide following permission for the user role group -
Save Test Case Result -> Create Roll Up Result
Select following preferences and save -
1. Execute manual test script steps in any order
2. Show the previous step results when executing the same test case execution record
3. When test case executions are canceled or stopped, set unexecuted steps as Deferred
Deselect following preference and save -
1. Set the rolled-up result as the current execution result for test cases and test suites
Create a TCER for the Test case and Run it. If it has say 4 steps, pass 2 steps and fail 2 steps.
Rerun the TCER and this pass all the steps.
Now browse the TCERs list. Select the TCER which was executed in the above steps and use the option "Roll Up Test Case Results -> Roll Up. " Click on the OK button for the warning displayed.
Results will be rolled up. In this case, the result will be passed overall.
Now add the "Last Rolled Up Result" column to the Browse TCER table view and verify the result. And also add the "Roll Up" column to the table view to check the Roll Up column shows green tick mark.
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar